What does it mean to be humble? How do I get in touch with a true assessment of whether I am adequately modeling the spiritual fruit of humility? Music of any kind, but especially quiet, worshipful music seems to reach inside me and actuate emotion. Just a few notes of a song can bring an experiential awareness of God’s presence…
Anger and Relationships
How does anger affect relationships? I have seen relationships where it seems anger is all the participants have in common. Other bonds seemingly can’t tolerate any expression of anger. Given that we all get angry sooner or later, shouldn’t the ability to work through strong negative emotion be a part of any healthy connection between two committed individuals? I have…
The Role of the Self in Connecting with God
Rather than looking for opportunities to be noticed or influential, to attempt to convince others of my skills or gifting, I must remember that I am closest to God when my self is held most loosely. Should I do this or that? This is usually the wrong question. The point is that I can be part of God’s plan, but…